Thursday, December 23, 2010

Weird habbits

Noah has this weird thing he does at meal times.  He always sits to my right.  During in meal, he takes my right hand, usually when I'm busy with Annalise, and gives me something mushy.  Today, it was a Cheerrio that had been sitting in milk for a long time.  

Merry Christmas to you!  I hope Santa is good to you. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deck the Halls and other suff

I know I have been horrible updating the blog.  Just be forewarned that it is a special kind of crazy around here and this thing might not be updated much until after the holidays.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my parents.  My mom and I cooked the whole sh-bang, and we declared it a huge success!  Noah was not so keen on the sweet potatoes but loved putting black olives on his fingers. Sadly I was so focused on getting food on the table that I forgot to take some pictures of our feast.  You will just have to imagine all the gloriousness of our dinner.

Last weekend we continued our tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree.  Our first year here, we found this cute little tree farm not far from here and cut our own.  The last two years, I traipsed around the farm hugely pregnant.  This year was only slightly easier with two little ones.  Part of the fun of having two babes so close in age is trying to figure out the logistics of things.  How are we going to wrangle two babies, an ax, a big cart, and a tree?  We decided to take the double jogging stroller out for a drive. The whole adventure went off without a hitch. Pretty much.  Both the babes were ready for a nap after our afternoon out in the cold, and fell asleep in the car.  We rounded out our day with some great pizza from a local place.  Noah went absolutely bonkers when he realized that the tree was going in his playroom!  Noah to just get the energy to decorate!

John, the babes, and our tree. The tree lost a lot of height when we trimmed it up.

Don't the babes look so excited about picking out our tree?

A self portrait with Noah looking as cute as possible!

Noah picked out this ornament all on his own.  I tried to suggest something a little less...(well, just less), but this is the one he wanted.  Who am I to get in the way of Christmas cheer?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Expanding Vocabulary and Crawling (almost)

Noah's vocabulary grew by two words this weekend.  We now have the word "NO" and the oh-so-useful "door"!  Yay Noah!  All total Noah can say about 5 or 6 words!

Annalise was up at 5 o'clock this morning practicing crawling in her crib.   She is so very close.  She gets up on all fours and rocks.  She just needs to get courage to move her arms and off she goes!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6 months already!

Annalise had her 6 month check up the other day.  She is now weighing in at 18 pounds 4 ounces and is 26 3/4 inches long. That puts her squarely in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. 

The doctor was pleased that she is trying to crawl and was impressed with her gross motor skills!  In the last few weeks she has been getting up on all fours.  In the last week or so, she has been able to hang out on all fours for a longer period of time is trying to work up the courage to make a move.  For quite some time, she has been moving around by rolling and doing the army crawl.  Noah is not so sure what to make of her now that she can get at his toys!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

18 month check-up

Noah had his 18 month check-up today.  Apparently our "little" boy is a giant!  He is 35 1/2 inches tall!  This puts him in the 95+ percentile.  However, he is only 25 lbs. 7 oz. that puts in the 50th percentile.  He is definitely going to be like his daddy.  Tall and lanky!

While in the exam room with the doctor, Noah was telling the doctor that they were missing some knobs and such from around the room.  Noah's vocabualary at the moment consists of about 5 words.  So this was basically a whole bunch of jibberish.  The doc told us not to worry that he was definitely able to get his point across and one day it will just click.    In the end, he told me that Noah was just perfect and I have to agree!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The rest of the week

The rest of the week we were at my Mom and Dad's included everyone in the house taking a turn with the stomach flu.

Once everyone started feeling a little better we did do a few things.  One day we went to the park.  On another day we went Huber Farm.  Noah had a grand time on the tractor ride to the animals.

Noah also took a turn entertaining the people in the ice cream shop at the farm.

Uncle Eric looked like a natural holding his niece and nephew!

Grampy smoked some awesome ribs and Annalise wanted in on some rib action.

We also went to the zoo where Noah had his first ride on a carousel.  I tried to put him on one of the animals around the edge of the carousel. He would not have any of it.  So we rode in the sleigh.  As you can see, if this was a little bit of a stretch at first.  He really started to like it right before we got off!